New Book Reveals Obama Reportedly Called lsquo Lunatic rsquo Trump A lsquo Corrupt Motherf mdash er rsquo #Mdash

#Mdash | A new book claims former President Barack Obama used no uncertain terms in private when referring to Donald Trump.
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Cement battery could turn buildings and bridges into gigantic energy
#Gigantic | Highways and skyscrapers that store solar power thanks to the new technology could be one way to make concrete jungles more sustainable
40 Fruit Salad Recipes That Are Actually Exciting
#SaladRecipes | 40 Fruit Salad Recipes That Are Actually Exciting
Take a break and laugh at some of the best entries of 2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
#WildlifePhotography | This year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is still open for entries and there’s time until June. But there are already some photos that won’t fail to make you laugh. The amazing contest organizers shared some of them with DIYP, and they’re just what you need to unwind if you’re having a stressful day. Even though […]
Brazilian Beef Kabobs with Pineapple and Peppers
#Beef | The grilled caramelized pineapple takes this dish over the top. These Brazilian Beef Kabobs with Pineapple and Peppers are very easy and so delish! Marinaded, smoky, and full of flavor goodness.
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