Solar Ovens Just Need is Sunshine and Chocolate #Chocolate

#Chocolate | Solar Ovens is one of the STEM challenges we repeat every year! Which ones do we repeat? Why, the ones we love the best, of course! Fourth graders always try Roller Coasters, fifth-graders always try Catapults, and third graders always try Building Boats. Those three challenges are amazing and definitely are kid favorites. In the…
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Master Bedroom
#MasterBedroom | Master Bedroom
Fry High Frequency Words List 4 from 1st 100 Words 5 Weeks of Sight Word Work
#Word | Fry High Frequency Words List 4 from 1st 100 Words 5 Weeks of Sight Word Work This packet uses Fry List 4 from first 100 words (25 words). This packet can be used in class as daily work or can be sent home for homework as a weekly packet. It can also be sent home for work over the summer. There ...
Green Frog Alphabet Letter Posters Word Wall Headers
#Word | Green Frog Alphabet Letter Posters / Word Wall Headers will make letter recognition and word work fun, active, and engaging. You can use the letter posters during small group, whole group, and or for centers. Alphabet posters are an awesome addition to literacy centers or Daily 5 word work time. The...
Neo Classic Dressing room
#Dressing | Neo Classic Dressing room
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